Custom singer announcements in Siglos Karaoke Professional

When you run your karaoke show using Siglos Karaoke Professional software, the program automatically creates singer announcement with information about song that will be sung next. If you go to Settings / KJ you will find Edit Singer Announcement Screen button, that opens a window to define what information about the next song will be displayed and how to present it.

Edit singer annoucement screen

You may adjust font and style of every text used in the window, change the location of these items, and pick the background that will be used. Changing the resolution can increase the quality of image (but may slow down the display process).

When you host a show for a long time, you have your regular customers. They often have their favorite songs, but also appreciate personal treatment from their karaoke host (may it be some extra information displayed, a star image, or even a photo of a singer). Siglos Karaoke Professional allows you to shine in this department by creating custom singer announcements for regular singers.

Creating personal announcement screen is very simple. First you need to display Singer Properties window for your regular singer (you may do this from Add Singer window, straight from the rotation window using Edit Singer Properties button or from Quick Singer window). In Singer Properties select Enable custom announcement screen and then click Edit. You will be taken to the same window that you use to edit general singer announcements, so you should be familiar with everything there. Once you are done and exit with OK, the settings will be stored in the database and used for the singer for all future songs.

If you later change your mind and decide to remove the custom announcement screen for the singer, you follow the same path and uncheck Enable custom announcement screen option. The personalized screen will still be kept, so you may switch it on again later.

With Siglos Karaoke Professional’s customizable features, you can effortlessly create unique singer announcements that reflect the preferences and personalities of your regular customers.

Upgrade your karaoke hosting game today with Siglos Karaoke Professional and Karaoke Builder Studio, and delight your audience with a truly unforgettable karaoke experience!