Karaoke CD+G Creator Pro features and do you need them

Looking to elevate your karaoke creation game? Look no further than Karaoke CD+G Creator Pro, the ultimate solution for crafting dynamic and visually captivating CD+G songs. With its advanced features like duet mode for synchronized lyrics display, scrolling mode for seamless lyric progression, and image overlay capabilities, this professional version takes your karaoke experience to …

Use software MIDI synthesizer to create karaoke song

Karaoke CD+G Creator is a tool of choice for many professionals to create CD+G karaoke songs. And with its easy to use graphical interface it can be serve even beginners to author their CD+Gs. And with MIDI software synthesizer creating great sounding backing tracks for your karaoke creations is also a very simple task. MIDI …

Exact Display Time in Title/Credits Image of Karaoke CD+G Creator

Version of Karaoke CD+G Creator adds a way to precisely synchronize Exact Display Time in Title and Credits images. This feature was available before, but did not work as expected. To set the exact time the image should be displayed you need to open Title or Credits image properties from CD+G Settings or Create …

Text Snippets in Karaoke Video Creator and Karaoke CD+G Creator

Starting from version 2.5.1 both Karaoke Video Creator and Karaoke CD+G Creator have the ability to define text snippets that can be inserted using predefined shortcut key. Text snippet is a part of a song (lyrics and events) that can be reused. You may define as many text snippets as you like, you can also …